Early Spring Cleansing Soup

Feb 28 | Written by Leticia Padmasr

spring cleansing soup.jpeg

In Ayurveda, spring is the season of the kapha dosha – the earth and water dosha – meaning that qualities of these two elements increase in nature during this time of the year. After the long winter’s rest, the snow turns into rain and makes the land soggy and muddy. The trees are coming back from hibernation and pollen is increasing. The combination of moisture and dust brings a heavy quality to the earth.

Because we are part of nature, all these qualities are increasing in our body and mind as well, making us feel soggier and heavier than in other seasons. We may experience moisture and puffiness in the skin, sinuses oozing with phlegm, a constant drip in the back of the throat, and pressure in the ear canal. In addition to the increase of respiratory congestion, there is also blood congestion due to the increased metabolism of the winter fats. This leads to sluggish and strained circulation, perceived sometimes for some of us as a pressure or squeezing sensation in the chest.

It is time to lighten up, friends! Otherwise we are left vulnerable to Kapha imbalances including respiratory congestion, headaches, sinus infection, and pneumonia. Reduce the intake of heavy and oily foods whenever you experience sluggishness, heaviness, or a loss of appetite. Place emphasis on the astringent, bitter, and pungent tastes.

This early spring cleansing soup has the ingredients that can break up congestion, reduce fats in the blood, and drain excess water retention.

Beets and celery are a wonderful remedy to spring congestion in the blood and liver. Vinegar also stimulates the gallbladder to release bile, flushing out fats and toxins. Also, the beta-carotene in beets and carrots is an excellent liver tonic. Celery, parsley, and carrots are digestive and diuretic, great to flush water weight and urinary tract. Ginger, black pepper, and dill are good digestive and circulatory stimulants, helping to restore vibrancy in the skin and keep open respiratory paths.

Early Spring Cleansing Soup


2 cups beets ( about 2 small beets)

2 cups carrots (about 4 medium carrots)

½ cup celery

¾ cups fresh dill

½ cup fresh parsley

1 T ghee

1 tsp. fresh ginger root, chopped or grated

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1/4 tsp. mineral salt

1 T apple cider vinegar


  1. Dice the beets and carrots. Chop celery, parsley, and dill.

  2. In a large pot, warm the ghee over medium heat and sauté the ginger.

  3. Then add the celery and sauté for one minute.

  4. Add the parsley (reserve ⅓ aside to garnish the soup later) and sauté for another 30 seconds.

  5. Add the dill and sauté for another 30 seconds.

  6. Stir together to release the flavors and, once you smell their aroma, add the beets and carrots.

  7. Stir well with the spices and then add salt, pepper, and vinegar.

  8. Add water until the vegetables are submerged and bring to a boil.

  9. Reduce to low heat and cook covered until beets are soft (approximately 45 minutes).

Eating in harmony with the seasons makes us eat less, but we still feel more satisfied because our food choices truly nourish us. Ayurvedic wisdom also teaches us to eat in agreement with our individual body type and the specific imbalances we may be working with at any given time. When we prepare our foods with the season and our individual constitution in mind, we set the foundation to use food as medicine!


Spring Green Chutney

